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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

One small question...Inny or Outy!??

Are you an introvert, or an extrovert....I read a blog a couple of weeks ago, and there was a test you could take to find out this answer.  I have sense lost the blog page, but I found this test, and I was thinking it would be fun for my blog friends to take the test.  I am sure most of us know the answer to this question, but still, think it will be fun.  I am adding the link to the web page for the test.

I am not good at knowing how to add link to this blog, so this is my first try...I don't know that I like the way it looks, but I think it is a learning curve to know how to do this.  LOL....
I had told Diana about the test I took last week, and she seemed to know that I was an extrovert.  Who knew??!!    Hope you guys take the test and let me know what your results are....This could be interesting. 
Later.....your extroverted friend  :) 


  1. whoda thought it. I am an extrovert. Well really. DUH! I coulda told you that.
    This was lots of fun.

  2. It said I leaned toward extrovert. I was taking the test and thinking it depends on what day it is lol.


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